von Jenni Lalk
1. Januar 2021
„Whoever you are, you are not what they say and I believe in you.“ HELLO EVERYONE. My name is Jennifer, but most of the people simply call me Jen, and I love that, because it sounds super basic and a bit cheeky, too. I don´t know anything about this life. I only know what I´ve experienced based on the feelings I´ve felt and the conclusions I´ve made. For that reason, I feel responsible to change somethings in our world. I can´t explain why I know it, but I follow my intuition in this case. The world is a mess and our society´s have lost the respect for dignity and humanity. The way we treat each other is almost on the same level on how we treat our environment. Maybe, it´s even worser. For me, opinions are not necessairy. They are irresponsible, because they create pain, hate, jealousy, anger and war. They destroy the natural beauty of everyone while only expressing something another person thinks about something or somebody else. Thinking means not knowing. Opinions from other people can´t say anything about ourselves, about the person we are from within. It´s only a mirror of the soul from the other person who has expressed the opinion towards us. Wise people know that. I´m literally obsessed with educating, improving and challenging myself, because the last thing I wanted was to be educated by the current system of our society. Therefore, I´ve decided to educate myself. I went to different universities and education schools with the eager want to learn something about life and entrepreneur personalities, but I´ve learned nothing useful to figure this life out. After four years of trying to fit into something our society has to offer, I was exhausted and frustrated. I had enough! I wasn´t able to identify myself with any given job opportunity or title neither could I saw myself walking the way everybody else seems to follow. Nothing felt right for me, nothing made any sense for me. Since that day which is now more than two years ago, I try to find out the truth behind the loss of identities, the forgotten abilities to make individual decisions and the increasing fears to take on responsibilities for anything in life. I don´t believe in living a life based on logic. Therfore, I´ve done and I still do many experiments, self-challenges, observations and analysis to create a way how we can transform the captived robot-society back into an independent society with human beings who are living together in harmony and unity with diversity. For me, our society doesn´t feel like a real democracy where equality for the individual human being is the priority. A very few people rule this world while the majority still doesn´t take any advance of it. The problem is, we blame them, let´s call them the rich one´s, for having heaps of money, power or material things. We identify them as ignorant, selfish, arrogant or narcissistic although the very few one´s are actually the one´s who are trying to change somethings in our world why we are judging or hating them for earning more money than we do. Honestly, I believe most of us are deeply jealous of their more privilege life´s and therefore ignoring how hard some people work every single day for staying successful while we are lazy on the coach. Ignoring everything is the modern way of living. Empathy, honesty, tolerance and acceptance should be(come) the norm. I´ve worked in many different jobs, but no matter where I was, I always had the feeling that somebody else is actually in control about my decisions, life and consciousness. And I don´t like that. Furthermore, I hate it, because it shouldn´t be that way! ON JANUARY 3, 2019 I finally had the courage to search consciously for my own happiness. All I wanted was to find out who I am, why I am here and what this life is all about, because I wasn´t happy for almost twelve years in a row which is exactly the half of my entire life. It took me more than two years to get my consciousness and soul back. In this book, I want to share my results of the connections between our universe and ourselves as human beings to show you how you can be(come) a conscious and responsible human being again. Everyone who feels like he, she or it has lost his, her or it´s mind, will probably find out that it wasn´t the mind you´ve missed, it´s your consciousness, the heart and the soul you are missing. Your mind is just a tool, and should be exactly used like this. Nothing more, nothing less. The reason for your confusion and unfulfillment is, because you are not aware and therefore not able to live consciously. I want to give you the chance to understand your own being better to help you be(come)ing the human being you are meant to be(come). I hope so much that you, whoever you are, haven´t waisted too many years of your own life with being somebody you never were. If so, now is the perfect time to let go of being unhappy, unfulfilled and desperated. You are here for a reason and I´ll help you to find your why, because you deserve everything! I AM VERY OPEN-MINDED and it is one of my main habits to question everything which is going on in our universe in relation to the modern society. I don´t believe anything as long as I haven´t experienced it myself. During the last two years, I´ve tried to find out everything why the human being is how he is today, because I was not able to live under the current circumstances, the behaviours and frightening developments of our society anymore. Everything I saw, heard and observed scared me to death! The day I found out why it is so easy for the very few people to take control over the majority of us blew my breath away, because it´s mostly our own faults based on one single fact: Unawareness. Nevertheless, blaming other people, especially the rich and successful one´s for the miserable life, circumstances and own poverty is very common. Money and power are no excuses for be(come)ing a bad person, neither is their any straight parallel between these two things. We only think this way but this wrong knowledge is only created by opinions, movies and the media. You decide who you want to be(come), no matter how much money, power or material things you have. You´re own values, higher beliefs and how you treat other people should define you and nothing else. The results of my discoveries will hopefully help to repair and re-build the global loss of humanity, empathy and democracy. You might call me dreamer and a miracle believer, but I don´t mind that, because I believe that every dream we dream is placed in us for a reason. And from some reason, I still believe so much in the good of every human being that I finally want to bring the Century of Captivity to an end. IF YOU ARE IN COMA in a hospital your body still functions although you are asleep! We only focus on improving our intellect but never on strengthen emotional and spiritual awareness to get our intuition back. The love of the heart. The inner voices. The dreams. If we would all get our intuition back this world would never look the way it currently does. We can never wake up and stop the mess, if we won´t start getting our consciousness back. NOW. I want to create the Awareness Raising Revolution to help us and especially the further generations to get their consciousness back. Awareness increases the feeling of being responsible for be(come)ing a better person who leaves a positive impact on other people and the environment. This is one of the most amazing results of it and would change it all! Be(come)ing responsible for our thoughts, words and actions is the needed base for creating a great society for everyone. We are human beings and no mental-metal-machines. We need to be connected to our roots, beginnings and beings. If we don´t start to re-build this connection, we will completely disappear soon. This change is so much needed, but only possible, if we are all ready to change. With including emotional and spiritual education into school and university systems of our society´s we would stop further identity-losses and the increasing depression and diseases rates. If we don´t start to change our old behavior patterns, we will soon be lost forever. THE Human BEING WILL BE a MISTERY of HISTORY. I WAS BORN IN GERMANY which makes me a non english native. Therefore, I deeply and directly apologize for any further pronounciation and tense mistakes. I´ve tried my best and I hope for your understanding. I remember somethings back from my days in school, but honestly, I wasn´t the most attentive student. My thoughts have always been somewhere else trying to figure something(s)…I hope your interest in finding out why it seems that we are all living in a modern world fulfilled with irresponsible, ignorant, intollerant and externally-controlled robots is strong enough to overlook my mistakes. I´m not a professional scientist, politican neither an author, so I don´t know if I´m able to express everything the way I feel it from within. I´ve tried my best with scetches and pictures to help you visualize the problems I see. I really appreciate your time and I hope that the courage I´ll try to give you to get your own consciousness back fulfills your heart and soul with an eager will for be(come)ing a better version of yourself. For yourself and anybody else. You have the right to be(come) a human being again, if you don´t want to exist as an externally-controlled robot anymore. If you open your heart and soul soul wide to this beautiful world we are living in, your life won´t ever be the same again! Let us all be(come) more conscious, responsible, healthy and happy human beings together again. Let us create a society in equality in unity with diversity in the 21th Century of Independency. A Century where the people have a heart again. Thank you very much for reading what I want to change. X, Jen. CONTENTS ________________________________________________________ FOREWORD OUR SOCIETY INTRODUCTION NEVER GOOD ENOUGH PART I __________________________________________________________ THESIS: „CAPTIVITY IN THE 21th CENTURY!“ INTRODUCTION HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE HERE? SOCIETY´S OBSESSION INTELLECT EDUCATION PART II ____________________________________________________________ ANALYSIS: „ARE WE CAPTIVED AND CONTROLLED?“ LIBERTY MOVEMENT 2 YEARS BREAKING FREE JOURNEY A. THE UNKNOWN JOURNEY OF LIVING: DISCOVERING AWARENESS B. BUILDING INNER STRENGTHS: HAVING A MENTOR C. STAYING ON TRACK: BEING CONSCIOUS PART III ____________________________________________________________ DIARY INSIGHTS: I. CAPTIVITY in the 21th CENTURY II. SEX in the 21th CENTURY III. LIBERTY MOVEMENT in the 21th CENTURY IV. BURN-OUT in the 21th CENTURY IV. INDEPENDENCY in the 21th CENTURY PART IV ___________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION: „WE ARE CAPTIVED AND CONTROLED!“ THE PROOF THE SUB-CONSCIOUS HUMAN PART V ___________________________________________________________ THE SOLUTION: „CREATING A CHANGE“ 1. BUILDING THE BRIDGE: GLOBAL AWARENESS RAISING 2. STRENGTHEN THE AWARENESS: CONSCIOUS-MINDED HUMAN BEINGS 3. EXTENDING THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL CLASSES THE RESULT: THE SUPER-CONSCIOUS BEING PART VI ____________________________________________________________ FOR THE FURTHER GENERATION: WHAT WOULD I TELL MY YOUNGER SELF? PART VII _______________________________________________ ABOUT THE AUTHOR THANKSGIVING ATTACHEMENTS